Thursday, April 13, 2006
My favourite sports uniforms of all time: NHL edition

Welcome to the NHL Edition of this 4 part series. I might as well get the non-traditional uniform out of the way. As you can see the Thrashers' 3rd uniform uses my fave colour blue and it boasts a very unique design. It has an almost unfinished quality to it by having "Atlanta" written down on one sleeve and nothing on the other side. The mesh on the sides/under arms is pretty interesting as well tho it does make the players look like they're sweating. Overall it's a pretty busy design but for some odd reason I like it. Maybe it's the blue :)

I know it may seem like i'm a homer with the Leafs pick but it's a very simple and clean design. I actually like their 3rd uni better then the home/away set as the 3rd acknowledges the 1930s/40s design while also having the blue shoulders that the Leafs had in the 70s right on up to when Cliff Fletcher took over.

Last but not least, The Montreal Canadiens. This uniform just oozes hockey tradition. I love the way the logo has a message similar to other logos in the past where it's more then just the letters and such. You know, logos like the Whalers and Brewers where the logo has letters but it makes up an image. That's not the case with the Canadiens logo but it does emphasize the Canadien name and the Habitants as they're called the Habs.