Friday, February 23, 2007


I'm baaaaack! (A look at the Brave and the Bold #1)

Yeah I know I haven't posted in a dog's age. I just am not the type of person to go with a regular schedule :)

Anywho, today I would like to talk about THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD v. 3 #1. Yes DC has once again revived the one of the better team up books in its history. The first story arc is being done by Mark Waid and George Perez. I'm not sure if they're going to have an extended run or if the creative teams will change with each issue but nonetheless that's a pretty nice creative team to have for the first issue.

No BRAVE AND THE BOLD team was as prolific as Batman and Green Lantern IMO and it's only fitting that they're the first team up in the new series. As most comic book readers are aware team up books aren't exactly strong on story points but rather focus more on character interactions. I felt that Batman and Green Lantern had pretty strong chemistry together in this issue and while it was more of a mystery story then anything else (which dragged the issue down a peg or two) I did enjoy them working together and their banter with each other.

An example of that banter is in the casino where Bats as Bruce tells GL as Hal that he wish Barry Allen (Flash) were alive to see Hal with money. That was a pretty funny line and elicited a chuckle from me. In fact, the whole issue had a very classic Silver Age feel to it with references to the past. In fact there's a sequence which involves the huge penny in the batcave from one of Batman's earliest cases.

As for the story and art well, art wise I thought it was well done but it got a little confusing for me as it seemed a little bit crammed up. Nonetheless overall the art was wonderful especially in some of the panels with Hal and Bruce. The story was alright but like I said it was a mystery story and the resolution directly leads to the next issue. The McGuffin in this story arc seems very interesting and while it seemed to be mostly setup rather then plot I did like the way the story went.

Overall I give this issue an 8 out of 10. It's a solid relaunch to a classic title.

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