Monday, May 28, 2007


Death of a President: My thoughts

Today I just watched the highly controversial Death of a President. This is the mock documentary that caused a lot of people to go crazy because it dealt with what would happen if George W. Bush was assasinated. First let me say that all that controversy was way overblown. In fact, this movie was very understated in its approach and how they dealt with the subject matter.

I won't say too much about the actual film because then it'd ruin the last 15 minutes or so but I will say that the concepts and idea that were brought forth were very credible (if a bit exaggerated) and it really did have the feel of a serious documentary. The idea that the FBI and other agencies would immediately look for islamic names and more or less trying to fit terrorism into the assasination is VERY plausible.

That whole scenario is quite scary and plausible. I mean, the whole idea of targetting one group of people and not doing a real investigation but rather finding someone you can pin down and then trying to make the evidence fit the suspect is something that goes on in police states and not in a democratic nation like America.

Anyways I urge people who are interested in "what ifs" and actually thinking about these kind of things to watch this movie. It isn't some crazy Left Wing propaganda piece and it certainly isn't a case of foreigners damning the United States. (the film was made by British film makers)

Give it a chance and watch it with an open mind. I think you'll come away from it with a lot to think about.

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